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Spotlight on State/Local Implementation


The Georgia Transportation Infrastructure Bank (GTIB) is a grant and low-interest loan program administered by the State Road and Tollway Authority (SRTA). Since inception, GTIB has provided more than $165 million in grants and loans for highly competitive transportation projects that have enhanced mobility and driven economic development in local communities throughout Georgia.

Why it matters: Only local, regional, and state governmental entities (including CIDs) can submit applications. For those who cannot apply but can do the work, it makes sense to keep an eye out for what entities that do apply.

Here’s What’s New for 2021:

SRTA will accept grant applications and loan applications (combined loan/grant applications will also be accepted)

Preferred application projects are those that:

  • Provide clear economic development benefits
  • Will be completed in the near-term as a result of GTIB investment
  • Have significant matching funds

Eligible costs are those related to preliminary engineering, traffic and revenue studies, environmental studies, right-of-way acquisition.


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